Journey to Midlands by piczo
The third installment of the “Journey” themed editorial series by Tokyo-based brand NICENESS and London-based photographer PICZO documents a road trip through the Midlands in central England.
The story begins in the rural Midlands, a region of farm and ranch land. Along the way, the story takes in the Jodrell Bank Observatory, home to the LaBelle Telescope, the world’s largest radio telescope with a parabolic reflector. It is also home to the Lady Bower Reservoir with its 24-meter diameter bell-mouth-shaped drainage ditch, The Singing Ringing Tree acoustic sculpture, and the Halo, which glows like a space ship. It then heads on to Birmingham, the second largest city after London.
Against a backdrop of dynamic artificial objects that suddenly appear in the English pastoral landscape, the story is composed of the FW22 collection, which incorporates an English psychedelic mood, and the SS23 collection, which was inspired by the space age, a form of mankind’s longing for the unknown universe.
PICZO’s unique emotional portrayal of the youth traveling through the Midlands dreaming of a world yet to be seen and the mood of both collections, which were set around different 60’s movements, were captured as a fashion story.
ストーリーは農牧地が広がるミッドランズの田舎町から始まる。道中では世界最大規模のパラボラ反射鏡を持つ電波望遠鏡であるラベル望遠鏡を有するジョドレルバンク天文台や、直径24mのベルマウス型の排水溝を持つレディバワー貯水池、音響彫刻The Singing Ringing Treeや宇宙船の様な光を放つHaloなどを巡り、ロンドンに次ぐ第二の大都市バーミンガムを目指す。